Where do I begin with Alay Soler? I have never seen a guy start off a career in worse fashion than Soler. He was completely unable to throw a strike in the first inning. He walked the first three guys then Burrell (Met killer) got a single. I thought he settled down when he got a ground ball for a double play, but Woodward let it go right through his legs. Did that play remind anyone else of Tim Teufel in Game 1 of the 1986 World Series? But after that Soler was pretty good. He didn't allow any more runs and didn't have any more major problems with control. Has the potential to be a good fifth start if he is in fact here to stay.
Love the Mets comeback ability. And comebacks don't always happen in the late innings, more often than not they start as soon as you get down. David Wright has been on a huge power surge lately. His third straight game with a home run, plus he got the game winning RBI on a single for the second time in five games.
Beltran is awesome.
Speaking of awesome, what made the 1986 Mets so great was that everyone was contributing. Woodward and Valentin contributed key RBI last night as well. And Franco had a big hit the night before.
Heilman once again showed why he is too valuable in the bullpen. Feliciano is also excellent and Wagner mowed down his former team.
I didn't hear it but apparently Gary Cohen made a funny joke about Soler (a Cuban defector) being apprehensive about pitching to Castro.
Omar Minaya was in the booth for an inning. He didn't really say much just said that El Duque's stats this year might be misleading because they are great on the road and horrible at home. He is a flyball pitcher and should thrive in Shea's bigger dimensions.

1 comment:
Has anyone noticed that in almost every celebratory picture of the mets, Cliff Floyd's shirt is untucked?
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