Yesterday we had our 12 week (roughly) ultrasound and everything looks good.
We will not be finding out the gender (unless Mrs. Poop changes her mind) and although we have an agreement in terms on first and middle names for both possibilities, we will not be sharing those with anyone (unless Mrs. Poop changes her mind).
We are sharing this information on February 22nd because that was the due date for our first pregnancy which miscarried over the summer.
We were also told that this pregnancy would probably end in miscarriage but the ultrasound to confirm it, showed a healthy baby with a heartbeat.
Two subsequent ultrasounds showed healthy and normal development so we expecting a baby on or about September 9th.

Congrats - Hopefully Kate does not give birth during the beer pong festivities on your anniversary!!!
Congratulations! If Baby Poop is a day late, we'll share a birthday!
Congrats man! I was saddened to see the 2nd post about missing Mets games but happy for you about the baby. You should name the baby David, Carlos, or Jose if it's a boy!!
Holy Crap, Congrats dude! I hear congrats are also needed for tall scat....gonna be a lot of kids around pretty soon!
Mazel tov Paul! Hope Mama Poop and Baby Poop are doing well.
I hope its a boy named Gerald Wilkins Amin, born with a high top fade.
The Tall Scott rumors are not true!
Congrats! A little pellet on the way!
PS - stop scaring me with the Tall Scat rumors. Not ready to be an aunt yet!!
Congratulations aunt and uncle poop. I can't wait to play with my newest cousin. Cousin Diesel is going to be jealous.
Great news!! Congratulations Kate and Paul..
Paul - Congratulations! That's wonderful news. All my best,
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