It was just nice to have Sopranos back. For many years it's been a great way to spend a Sunday night. It felt like being reunited with an old friend.
Other than that, the episode was non-descript.
AJ's facial hair and his new life are funny.
Meadow in a tank top was nice.
All the scenes on the lake set a very peaceful atmosphere, I wanted to go on summer vacation.

The fight was stupid, so was the subsequent pissing match.
So many things they foreshadow but never deliver on. For instance, that the little girl will drown in the lake.

They need to cover Janice's tattoo.
Frank Vincent is still going strong. I watched Raging Bull this weekend.
Frank Vincent took a beating from Joe Pesci in Raging Bull, then he was beat to death by Joe Pesci in Goodfellas. In Casino, Vincent got his revenge and beat Joe Pesci nearly to death and then buried him alive. I would love to see Joe Pesci have a camino in the Sopranos for the purpose of fighting Frank Vincent
I was surprised to see Italians playing Monopoly
Janice is the devil
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