Saturday, March 17, 2007

Anatomy of a Comeback

How Jim Boeheim's prevent offense cost Xavier an upset over Ohio State.


Xavier takes 11 point lead.


Xavier has a 9 point lead. Dan Bonner says "You don't want to lose your aggressiveness." Xavier kills 32 seconds and turns it over without getting a shot off.


A foul and a missed free throw. Dan Bonner says "it's too early to start running time off."


Up 7, Xavier kills 30 seconds before Oden commits his fourth foul. Both free throws are made.


Up 9, Xavier kills 28 seconds, shoots a 3 that comes within the offense, but it misses.
Dan Bonner says "it's too early to be running time off the shot clock."


Up 7, after killing only 14 seconds Xavier makes a layup.


Up 9, Xavier kills almost the whole shot clock and Drew Lavender chucks up a horrible 3 as the buzzer sounds.


Up 7, Xavier kills 28 seconds and misses a contest layup.

Here's where it bites them. Ohio State hits a 3, steals the inbounds and Lewis makes a layup and gets fouled. Xavier gives up 6 points without touching the ball.


Up 1, Xavier kills 21 seconds, Cage gets fouled and makes both.


Up 2, Xavier kills 30 seconds, they force it inside and Oden strips it.


Oden commits a foul, Cage misses a FT, Xavier has a 3 point lead.


Ron Lewis hits a game tying 3. Ohio State wins in overtime.

As you can see, when Xavier killed clock they got bad shots. When they didn't they scored or got fouled. I understand the importance of using the clock, but I say hold until 15 seconds are gone then work an offense. The extra 10 seconds you don't kill each trip don't mean as much as the points you would get. Xavier made one field goal in the last 7 minutes.

Oden's Foul

SCZA texted me to say Greg Oden's fifth foul was too rough and should have been more than just a regular foul.

I agree Oden shoved the dude out of bounds but when I watched it again I could see that Oden's left arm was being held. When he finally pulled it free it was too late to get the rebound and he was frustrated and he leveled the guy.

Seth Davis later explained that intentional foul is for fouls made while not playing the ball. Oden was, so they would have had to give him a flagrant foul for excessive force. But that's usually reserved for a punch, a slap or throwing someone down.

Oden may have gotten away with one but I think Xavier got away with plenty on him all game.

Like Shaq Oden is going to leave early because he is constantly being held and grabbed.

NCAA Tournament - Second Round - Saturday

Finally a day with some exciting games.

Miracle comeback by Ohio State.

The game did showcase a major problem with Ohio State. Ron Lewis, Jamar Butler, Mike Conley, Daequan Cook and Ivan Harris all want to be the star. They all want to be the one to shoot the three or drive the lane. When they needed points they stopped going to Oden.

Butler with a huge win over Maryland. That guy Graves can shoot even though he looks like Focks during his AIDS phase. Or Tom Hanks at the end of "Philadelphia."

VCU was game against Pitt making a monumental comeback but they just didn't have enough to finish the job. Plus OT shouldn't have happened, Levance Fields missed two FT.

That guy Maynar was up to his same tricks. He tried the same dirty plays that worked against Duke.

The reason why Pitt does well in early rounds is because they have size and strength. But they can't score which is why they never advance very far.

UCLA shut down Indiana's offense allowing only 13 points in the first half. But they almost lost anyway. But in the matchup of Howland vs his former team, I think UCLA will turn in another great defensive performance.

BC hung tough against Georgetown. Dick Enberg is in love with Tyrese Rice. I hate Jared Dudley. I'm glad he's finally gone. Roy Hibbert took that game over.

Vanderbilt Washington State was one of the best games so far. Unfortunately no one in the country could name two players on each team. I never saw Vandy this season and saw Wazzou only once. But they had multiple guys hitting big shots. Byars and Low were awesome.

Texas ATM - Louisville was another great game. Edgar Sosa was awesome. I just wish he hadn't told Gus Johnson that people in his old neighborhood call him El Tigre. As I was watching I was thinking about all the stupid announcers who constantly talk about freshman inexperience vs. senior leadership. This was happening as Sosa was dominating and Acie Law Eye-Vee wasn't doing shit. Then Sosa missed two FTs after having hit his first 15. That was really tough for him because he had the best individual game of anyone so far.

March Madness Friday Thoughts

Great snowy day for the tournament. The type of day when you can't do anything else except watch basketball for 12 hours. I'm glad our SUVs and factories warm the globe to 70-something on Wednesday, but got it cold in time for the tournament.

No 12-5 upset this year. I think that's only happened once before since the tournament went to 64.

I'm bitter because I had Illinois and they should have won but couldn't score for like the last 9 minutes. Virginia Tech scored the last 12 points to win by 2.

The top 20 seeds all won. And 26 of the top 28 (all 7s over 10s).

I am 16-0 in afternoon games 11-5 in the evening sessions. I still have 15 of 16 sweet 16 teams but I almost lost an Elite 8 team, but Nevada pulled through.

I can't stand the announce team of Packer and Nantz, and they are the number one team.

Ian Eagle is a pleasure though.

Some comeback by Wisconsin. They scored three times as many points in the second half (57) as they did in the first (19). But even when they were down 26-9 I didn't feel like they were going to lose. Not to Texas ATM-Corpus Crispy.

I didn't see one minute of the Tennessee - Long Beach State game but I can surmise two things. Rock Lloyd is not on LBSU anymore, and Bruce Pearl ran up the score.

New Mexico State put a scare into me, and Texas for that matter. I have them in the Final Four.

That was the best coaching Reggie Theus has done since "Hang Time." Evidently Anthony Anderson was 25 when he played Teddy.

Elijah Ingram starred for NMSU. He transferred from St. John's after he hired a hooker but refused to pay.

Pizza Parlor Derek also talks about players who have been in college forever. Curtis Sumpter really was a 6-year senior (I'm pretty sure) due to all his injuries. Now he's gone. And Mike Nardi too. Nardi was hurt or else Nova might have beaten Kentucky. He missed a couple open threes.

Right now I rank in the top 5.5% on ESPN, behind about 150,000 people. I check in at 27-5 over two days.

Not bad. But starting tomorrow the games are worth twice as much. The matchups get better. Even though there's half as many games Saturday and Sunday usually produce some great matchups. Look for one of the top 8 seeds to fall. I hope it's Memphis.

Friday, March 16, 2007

First Day Thoughts

I went 14-2, not too shabby. Michael has the early lead at 15-1 losing only Old Dominion. He has VCU winning again, over Pittsburgh.

I always get Gonzaga wrong. The years they did well I had them going out early. And the years when they didn't do well, I had them advancing.

I hate Bill Simmons. He made four jokes about Bobby Knight looking dead when he actuality he looked normal and got fired up and screamed at his players like usual. That's my problem with Simmons. When you can't find something to be funny about, make something up and repeat it so often that people will think it's true/funny.

Dick Enberg is past his prime. His "oh my" is a little passe and some of his other expression are also dated.
Enberg: "He's streaking down the court."
Poop: Someone is running naked on the floor.

Enberg: "Dudley gets an easy deuce."
Poop: I don't care about his bowel movements, but maybe he needs some iron in his diet.

That Duke came was rough. Literally. That guy Maynor was out of control. He was swinging his arms Kobe-esque (payback for Gerald Henderson). He also got under Paulus' skin. But a few times I saw Maynor grab guys, or bump into guys after the whistle. He knew he wouldn't get a foul called, he was just being a dick. Sort of like playing with Jim Lane.

But Maynor did hit some big shots.

Every year an 11 wins, and a 12 wins. I was really thinking Winthrop would knock of Notre Dame, but now I'm not so sure. I still think Illinois or Arkansas will win. Tennessee is the other 5 seed and I have faith in them against Long Beach State.

After a slow start the Duke-VCU game and the Xavier-BYU game were very exciting.

Michigan State might be able to give UNC some trouble on Saturday.

PPKA is pissed that Oral went down.

Let's do it all over again tomorrow.

I Am Not a Mush

When Penn roared back against Texas ATM to take a 39-37 lead after they had been trailing by 13, I sent a cordial text message to Reissberg:
"What a comeback! I picked texas atm to win two games tho. Good luck."

He replied:
"U fuckin jinx."

Texas ATM won the game.

Did I mush the Quakers? Or did Reissberg's rudeness and resulting bad karma cost his team?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Let's Dance

The bitching is over!
The games are starting!
Let the Madness begin!

Inside My Bracket

I picked Florida to beat Ohio State in the final. This reminds me of 2005 when UNC and Illinois were the best teams.

I have UCLA and Texas filling out my Final Four. Texas reminds me of Syracuse in 2003. Durant is just that good. But I worry their long run in the Big 12 tournament will hurt.

My 12 over 5 is Illinois over Virginia Tech.
My 11 over 6 in Winthrop over Notre Dame.
I do not have a 13 over a 4 although it happens almost every year. If it happens this year it'll be Albany over Virginia or Holy Cross over Southern Illinois.

I hope that doesn't happen because I picked Southern Illinois to make the Elite 8 against UCLA by knocking of Kansas. Here's my logic:
1) The Salukis are a great defensive team. They play a slowdown style which limits the number of possessions which reduces the advantage a more talented team would have over them.
2) Kansas is a very young team which could be frustrated by tough physical defense.
3) Kansas chokes every year.
4) Clyde Frazier is a Saluki.
5) Salukis are dogs.

My other big upset is Nevada beating Memphis and Texas ATM. Whenever I pick a 7 or 10 seed to win a couple games, they always lose in the first round. But they've never had Nick Fazekas before.

No other major surprises in my bracket.

Last Chance

Our tournament challenge group is looking pretty healthy (17 entries) but there are a few of you poopheads who we're still waiting on...and time is running out.
jusTON, SCZA, Georgia Derek, Concierge, Nails, Juice and especially Master Bates should all submit entries by noon.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Song of the Week

Beautiful Liar - Shakira and Beyonce
If you don't know why I picked this song you need to watch the video.
Hint: their hips don't lie

Angelina Jolie is a Great Person

Actress Angelina Jolie left an orphanage in southern Vietnam with a 3-year-old boy Vietnamese officials have said she is likely to adopt.
She carried the boy from the Tam Binh orphanage to a waiting Toyota four-wheel drive.
Jolie had arrived at the orphanage carrying her 5-year-old son Maddox, whom she adopted in neighboring Cambodia in 2002.
About 20 children dressed in traditional Vietnamese tunics, called ao dai, and offering flowers welcomed the pair as they arrived at the orphanage.
Jolie, dressed in a black skirt and shirt, was preceded at the orphanage by a phalanx of private security guards.
After the official ceremony, Jolie is expected to meet with U.S. consular officials, who must review the adoption before a passport can be issued for the boy, the adoption officials said.
If all goes to plan, Jolie could take the child home by the weekend, officials said.
Brad Pitt, Jolie's partner, did not accompany her to Vietnam.

This Guy is a Mastermind?

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, confessed to that attack and a string of others during a military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a transcript released Wednesday by the Pentagon.
"I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A to Z," Mohammed said during the session, which was held last Saturday.
Mohammed claimed responsibility for planning, financing, andtraining others for bombings ranging from the 1993 attack at the World Trade Center to the attempt by would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid to blow up a trans-Atlantic flight with explosives hidden in his shoes.
In all, Mohammed said he was responsible for planning 28 individual attacks, including many that were never executed.

An 8 for Super Mario, and a 7 for Ron Jeremy

Syracuse - South Alabama Running Blog

SU holds on to win 79-73. Huge game from Devendorf who of course showed a lot of heart. When the team was in danger of pouting in what PPD would call an "Unhappy to be here" game, Devendorf wouldn't let them lose.

Yes there is one in Cicero about 15 minutes from the Dome.

Announcers discuss finding a place to watch Mavericks - Suns. Are there any good sports bars in Syracuse? Tully's? You can't watch a game any place on campus really. Where would you go? Has a Buffalo Wild Wings opened up that I don't know about?

USA keeps nailing threes. But SU has been good on free throws so far, still a 5 point lead.

A guy on USA has 17 rebounds and 7 blocks. His name? Little!

That run is now up to 18-0 and SU has a 9 point lead with 5 minutes to play. It's about time to go into Jim Boeheim's no points offense to help USA get back in the game.

Devendorf has 30.

Devendorf just dished to Roberts on a great alley oop to tie the game. When is a dunk worth more than 2 points? When it adds emphasis to a 9-0 run and forces the opposing team's coach to call a timeout.

Pizza Parlor Derek just called USA's forward "Blue Balls" when his name is "Buboltz" I thought he was referring to Pelfrey and his resemblance to Pete Mason.

A South Alabama player just leveled an ESPN camerawoman. USA by 6 at the 11:59 timeout.

Devendorf has 26 of 50 SU points. Even TallSkott would tell you that's 52% of the scoring.

USA hits a half-court shot at the buzzer to end the half with a 39-38 lead.

SU answered USA's 14-0 run (which made the score 22-10), with a 14-1 run (24-23), but a couple three from USA took control back until once again Devendorf stepped up.

Eric Devendorf and Bobby Sura? I give it a 7.
South Alabama Coach and Pete Mason? I give it an 8.

As much as I hate Devendorf sometimes for his stupid turnovers, I love his guts. With the score 22-12, and the announcer saying "sometimes things in life don't go your way" you have to stop pouting and deal with it, Devendorf pulled up on the wing and hit a big 3.

14-0 run for USA, two threes and 3-point play in 3 possessions.

SU is so much more physical, it's not even close.

Did the announcer say Devendorf used to play in men's leagues when he was 9-years old?

Idol Chatter

I think Sanjaya needs to show his dick to the hair and makeup people. They keep making him look like a girl.

I predict that one of the Melinda/LaKisha duo will go home before Blake. I actually liked his version of "Keep Me Hangin On."

Another strange exchange involving Seacrest about high heels, and Simon saying Seacrest wears them (I think he does wear lifts) then Seacrest saying "get out of my closet" and Simon saying "come out" and Seacrest laughing awkwardly.

Though I love Motown I never was big on Diana Ross and I even think the Supremes are overrated.

I actually thought Sanjaya did a decent job with "Ain't No Mountain" but the song is supposed to be sung with a lot of soul and he has none.

But Brandon and Haley both forgot their lyrics which I never remember happening this late in the contest.

I think Haley is taking the reins from Antonella as sexiest girl standing, but with the cleavage and the legs on the stool and the breathiness, she may have overdone it considering the song ("Missing You") is really about someone dying.

She also does something I hate, when she goes for a big note "tell me why the road turns") she turns her head and sings out of the side of her mouth (a la Pizza Parlor Derek) and away from the microphone.

I agree 100% with what the judges said about Chris Sligh, because I've been saying it for three weeks. He needs to stop trying to be so different and cool. He needs to sing songs people like, the way we like em.

I have not seen the last two performances though.

But I think Brandon will go home tonight.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bill is Furious

Chicago Bears linebacker Lance Briggs says "I am now prepared to sit out the year if the Bears don't trade me or release me. I've played my last snap for them. I'll never play another down for Chicago again."
He turned down a one year offer and $7.2 million because he wants a longer term deal.
How did things get so bad?
The Bears are in big trouble without Jones and Briggs.
That said I'm not convinced Briggs means what he says. Maybe he's just angry, maybe he's bargaining, maybe the Bears will offer him a better deal and he'll realize it's better than sitting out and better than they deal he'd get if he were to be out of the league for a year.

Play-In Game

As Pizza Parlor Derek said the tournament committee even acknowledged that they didn't want two historically black schools to play in this game, and they don't want teams from the same conferences playing in it every year. For that reason Niagra may have been disrespected a little but I think it's a benefit for these teams.
A 16 seed has never beaten a 1, so the fact that they play an extra game right before it probably doesn't hurt their chances too much.
It's a great opportunity for a small school to get exposure on ESPN.
And to have a 50/50 shot of winning an NCAA tournament game, as opposed to a one-in-a-million (so you're saying there's a chance) shot.
And also, should the game end on a buzzer beater, that school would get so much national media attention the next day.
So if I were a 16 seed, I'd want to go to the play-in game.
But Niagra is going to kill FAMU.

Happy Birthday Brody

Georgia Derek's dog Brody recently turned 5. Happy birthday buddy.

Little Sisters Are So Cute

Pizza Parlor Keri-Ann, little sister to Pizza Parlor Derek and Pizza Parlor Daren evidently has a lot to learn about the birds and the bees.

What has Melo been teaching her?

I'm also awaiting comment from PPKA on Kelly Pickler, whom she loves, and how Pickler spent her new found riches. Hint: it was on more than just shoes.


Future Headline

I can't wait for Mets phenom Philip Humber to live up his expectations and battle with that other Philip (I have a gay brother) across town.
I can see it now, Humber pitches a great game against say the Phillies and the back page of the New York Post screams "Humber Makes Phils' Lumber Slumber."

Barney's Picks

The cast of How I Met Your Mother posted their brackets.
As of now we're still waiting for Ted and Marshall.
Picks look pretty safe from my quick perusals, but they love Old Dominion.

Antonella is a Liar

In a recent interview Antontella said she did not want to be known for her racy pictures, which were taken and expected to remain private.
She also said if Playboy offers she will not pose. Liar!

Monday, March 12, 2007

This is Evident Progress?

Isiah Thomas has shown enough progress" to earn a multiyear contract extension.
The New York Times, citing a person "briefed on the matter," says Thomas will sign the new deal to remain both team president and head coach.
The Knicks are 29-34, but are in the hunt for their first playoff berth since 2004.
The Knicks won 23 games last year under Larry Brown, who was later fired.
A spokesman for Madison Square Garden said that Knicks owner James Dolan will meet with reporters on Monday morning. He is expected to announce Thomas' extension during that meeting.

I would agree that there has been some progress but I also think Isiah is an idiot who shouldn't be running a franchise and coaching the team simultaneously. But he hasn't made any bad moves this season.

Boeheim Bitching

Heard the first wave of Boeheim complaining about Syracuse being left out of the tournament.

The jist of what he said and I believe it to be factually accurate is that SU is the first Big East team with 10 conference wins to be left out. He also said he thinks very few 10 win teams from any of the big conferences get left out...which means Stanford belongs. He didn't say "we won ten games...ten fuckin games."

Then he went on about how it's not his fault that SU's non-conference opponents did poorly after they played SU. But it is SU's fault that they lost to all of them. All three tough non-conference opponents (Wichita State, Oklahoma State & Drexel) beat SU.

Bracket Time

I invite all Poopheads to join me in the ESPN Tournament Challenge.
I have created a group called Paul's Poop.
You do not need a password to join, but you do need an ESPN account.
As an incentive I will write a glowing tribute to the winner the day after the tournament ends, which is the first day of Passover.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Good Breakdown


SU vs. "in" teams
SU's resume:
22-10 overall, 10-6 Big East, lost in quarterfinals of Big East tourney
Last 10 games: 7-3
RPI: 51 (as of Sunday morning)
SOS: 45
Key wins: Georgetown, Marquette, Villanova
Key losses: Drexel, St. John's

21-11 overall, 9-7 Big Ten, lost in 2nd round of Big Ten tourney
Last 10 games: 7-3
RPI: 44
SOS: 44
Key wins: Illinois, Michigan State, Indiana
Key losses: Iowa, Minnesota, Indiana State

23-11 overall, 9-7 Big Ten, lost in 2nd round of Big Ten tourney
Last 10 games: 7-3
RPI: 29
SOS: 23
Key wins: Indiana (twice), Michigan State
Key losses: Iowa, Michigan

18-12 overall, 10-8 Pac-10, lost in first round of Pac-10 tourney
Last 10 games: 4-6
RPI: 65
SOS: 37
Key wins: Texas Tech, Virginia, Washington, Washington State, USC, UCLA, Oregon
Key losses: Santa Clara, Cal, Air Force

20-10 overall, 11-7 Pac-10, lost in first round of Pac-10 tourney
Last 10 games: 6-4
RPI: 14
SOS: 2
Key wins: Louisville, Memphis, Washington (twice), Oregon, Stanford
Key losses: home to UNC (92-64)

21-13, 7-9 SEC, lost in SEC title game to Florida
Last 10 games: 6-4
RPI: 35
SOS: 15
Key wins: 3 wins in SEC tourney, Alabama (then ranked), Vanderbilt
Key losses: Missouri, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, LSU, Mississippi State, Auburn

Georgia Tech:
20-11 overall, 8-8 ACC, lost in first round of ACC tourney
Last 10 games: 7-3
RPI: 52
SOS: 47
Key wins: Memphis, Duke, UNC, BC
Key losses: Miami, Wake Forest (twice)

Looks like our biggest beef should be against Purdue based on this. Definitely not Stanford. But the committee must have really liked Purdue because they got a 9 seed. Also I definitely think we should have gotten in over Arkansas but somehow the RPI gives them a huge edge.

Bubble Burst

Syracuse got left out of the NCAA tournament.
I must say I am surprised, but not shocked. The team just wasn't very good this year.
They didn't play a strong schedule (Wichita State, Oklahoma State & Drexel all beat us and all missed the tournament. Even in the conference SU was 1-4 against the top 4 teams (Georgetown, Louisville, Pitt & Notre Dame) so that's 10-2 against the bottom part of the conference.
I still think SU should have been in but Texas Tech and Stanford are not the arguments.
If you want to compare teams look at Arkansas, Illinois and Old Dominion.
I also want to answer my critics, namely Pizza Parlor Derek who called me out as a contrarian. As a matter of fact I said SU would get in once West Virginia lost, so I was sort of wrong on that. But the last two years I also was criticized as being negative for argument's sake, when I said Vermont and Texas ATM would beat SU.
And we all know how that worked out.
I don't try to go against the grain, I just try to figure out what's going to happen.

One final note, SU had a lot of chances to win more games and as probably the last team out one more victory (against Wichita State, or Villanova, or Drexel or especially Louisville) would have made the difference.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is "The selection committee didn't screw Syracuse, Syracuse screwed Syracuse."

Cuse is in the House!

I will never forget this classic moment in SU hoops and in dance history.
R.I.P. Al McGuire.

That Boy Good

I just watched Kevin Durant carry Texas into overtime against Kansas. Though they lost he had 37 points.
That was his fourth game this year with exactly 37 points.
All year I've bought into the Garnett as Durant Ewing as Oden arguments and advocated for Oden because he is a more unique commodity in today's NBA.

Diesel Enjoying A Sunny Day

Notice Mrs. Poop trying to annoy the dog by making a bunny shadow puppet.