Saturday, August 25, 2007

The First Day of The Rest of Our Lives

Chase and Diesel had their first day together and it went pretty well. Other than some initial curiosity Diesel pretty much left him alone. One time when Chase cried Diesel barked and I thought Mrs. Poop was going to lose it, but that didn't last long. I put the stroller together and was so excited to take them for a walk together. It was so hot though, Mrs. Poop didn't want Chase outside for too long. But Diesel and I did another loop after that so all evening he has pretty much been lying around.

Assembling this stuff has been harder than I expected and I'm more tired than I thought I would be.

Don't expect a lot of posts this week, I probably won't have time to write about anything other than Chase.

I'm Going Home

Chase is leaving the hospital soon, we are taking him home for the first time, to meet big brother Diesel face to face. I am typing this with one hand holding him in the other.

Is There A Doctor In The House?

For those of you who have earned medical degrees from WebMD University or Wikipedia College, or if you are The Concierge and you already know everything, you might be interested to know that the breathing problem Chase had is actually called TTN.
And the reason Chase had to be delivered early is oligohydramnios.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Moving On Up

Chase showed so much improvement with his breathing and eating that he moved out of the NICU to a deluxe apartment in the sky (Mrs. Poop's room). It's been a pleasure to have him with us today, holding him, looking at him and starting to get used to having him around all the time.
Thankfully, he likes eating and pooping.

Chase's Own Blog

I created a separate blog for Chase ( This is where I will post a bunch of pictures of him, and beyond this first week or so all Chase news will go there.
Major announcements will still be made via the Poop, but ChaseBrennan821 will be your source for the best pictures.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Getting Better

Thursday was a good day in the life of Chase Brennan. His breathing improved greatly and he is now without oxygen or any other form of respiratory assistance. He is being fed every three hours and meeting the landmarks of how much he should be eating and how he should be tolerating it.
Hopefully Friday will be another good day and Saturday we'll be able to take him home.

How Fatherhood Has Changed Me

Two nights in a row my least favorite Met (Carlos Delgado) came up in the bottom of the 9th with the game on the line.

What I would have said before: "Come on Delgado you fuckin piece of shit, hit a home run."

What I said now: "Come on Delgado you fuckin piece of shit, hit a home run for Chase."

Always Look On the Bright Side of Life

As disappointed as Mrs. Poop and I are that Chase is in the NICU, we are very thankful that he is doing well and will be home with us in just a few days. Elsewhere in the NICU was a baby born at 25 weeks. Sadly, she did not make it. A harsh reminder that even when things are bad (or not great), they could always be a lot worse, and for someone else they usually are.

We Know He'll Be Good At That

Chase's breathing has improved markedly today. He is no longer on oxygen, he's just getting room air pushed into his lungs. His next obstacle is feeding. If he can eat with no problems that would be a major step. And if my genetic code counts for anything this boy should be able to eat.

WiFi? Why Not?

The hospital just started a program where patients can get WiFi in their rooms for a nominal fee (but free to hospital employees). I am posting this from the room right now and I should be able to post a lot more a lot faster so keep checking this space for Chase updates.

Every Breath I Take

Chase Brennan is currently in the NICU (Neo-Natal Intensive Care) due to rapid breathing. It's not a big deal, he'll figure out how to breathe normally in a couple of days and when he does there will be no long-term effects. It just happens to some babies, but those who are big or early (usually kids are not big AND early but Chase is) are more prone to it.
Unfortunately Chase has to stay in the NICU and can't come out the room to be with Mrs. Poop or any visitors.
It's just another thing that hasn't gone exactly as we'd hoped it would. But that's ok. He'll probably come home Sunday and once that happens we'll put this behind us and start the rest of our lives with him.
For those interested Big Brother Diesel is doing well, despite being abandoned for 8 hours at a time. He sniffed Chase's hat and blanket intently for about 30 seconds, then gave up and laid back down on his bed.

Chase in his warmer in the NICU

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Baseball Is Poop

Fun While It Lasted
After a week's layoff Bobby Jenks was finally called into a game on August 20th, but he allowed a hit to the first batter (Joey Gathright) to end his streak of batters retired consecutively at 41.

Fun While It Lasted
After 42 scoreless innings Brandon Webb allowed a run in the first inning on August 22nd to the Milwaukee Brewers. With a man on third and one out the Diamondbacks played the infield in to try to preserve the streak. They definitely wouldn't have done it under normal circumstances but I applaud the move. A minor risk in one game to help a guy chase history. Didn't matter because Prince Fielder hit a clean single to drive in the run.

And On The Other Hand
Baltimore Orioles pitchers allowed 30 runs to the Texas Rangers on August 22nd (in the first game of a doubleheader). It's the most runs ever scored in a 9 inning game in the modern era (one team scored 36 in 1897). I could go on for pages about the amazing numbers on this game but you should just look at the box score and read the play-by-play yourself. This is one time you can honestly say you may never see another game like it.

Song of The Week

"Apache" - Sugar Hill Gang
Apache has a long history with several versions including a few cool youtube videos. There's this ridiculous, campy 70s version set in the woods by the Tommy Seebach Band, a Danish band. It also was used in an episode of The Fresh Prince. But better than all those is this version (must watch!).

Baby Poop No More

Chase Brennan was born August 21, 2007 at 4:07pm. He weighed in at 7 pounds and 14 ounces (huge considering he was 19 days early) and was 20 inches long.

Thanks to you all for your well wishes, sorry if we didn't get back to you right away, it is definitely going to take a few days to get our lives back in order.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ready or Not Here I Come

We're going to the hospital.
Check this space for Baby Poop updates.
Please no more guesses in the Baby Poop pool

Poop Taking Care of Business Week - Monday

I took the week off work so that we could get the house ready for the impending arrival of Baby Poop.

So this week should be a slow week for blogging, but a good week for getting shit done.

To wit:

10am: Doctor's appointment. Everything looks good with less than 3 weeks to go, but Baby Poop isn't doing anything to indicate he or she is ready to come out early.

11am: Target. Target popcorn! Delicious! But I got the small this time, much better choice. I bought a silly t-shirt, hopefully I'll post it on here this week. I also got a new bedside table and I don't know what the hell else but we spent $250. Yikes!

12:30pm: Dropped off some clothes for the homeless. Six bags of stuff as a result of cleaning our closets to fit the baby's stuff.

2:00pm: Went to Buy Buy Baby bought our stroller (more on this in a separate post).

3:00pm: Visited Bruce the Bed King, to get a guest bed. Bruce was there. He is the nicest guy ever. I was wearing a t-shirt that said "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." He asked if "that" happened in Vegas. Mrs. Poop loves him. Didn't buy the bed yet though, had to measure the room first.

4:00pm: Came home to Diesel, he's great.

4:45pm: Take a nap (sung to the tune of "Make it Clap")

7:00pm: Took Diesel for a walk. A standard poodle got off its leash and was going nuts, barking at Diesel, growling at him. Luckily, we practice Zen ("walk past the barking dog") and the poodle finally left us alone.

8:00pm: Ate dinner, watched TV, did a little cleaning.

More stuff to do tomorrow.

Monday, August 20, 2007

In Enemy Territory

To repay my father-in-law for going to several Mets games at Shea Stadium with me including a game when The Concierge was drunk, screaming and almost knocked us all over; I went to August 17th's Yankees-Tigers game at Yankee Stadium.

The drive to the Stadium was much easier than the drive to Shea, and we pulled right into to garage and were in the spot about 30 minutes after we left.

It was raining so we sat in the car for about an hour, then took our seats in the bleachers...and it started to rain again. So we had to huddle under the stands with a bunch of other Yankees fans. The game started about an hour late.

Thankfully, the bleachers are alcohol free, so all the Yankee fans behaving like idiots were born that way, not drunk. But for the most part they were well behaved. The Yankee Stadium bleachers do have one cool tradition. In the bottom of the first they chant a player's name (Der-ek jee-TUH) until he acknowledges them. Problem is, they chant during pitches so you never know if the player is getting ready to field the ball or swatting a fly or waving to the crowd. Also one idiot kept doing it throughout the whole game even though Johnny Damon waved to him at least three times. Very annoying.

There were a few Tigers fans in our section which is fine, even commendable, but if you are going to root for the road team, you can wear your gear, but you shouldn't make a spectacle of yourself. Especially if your team isn't even in the game. Two guys (sitting separately) came to Yankee Stadium dressed in full Red Sox gear. When the Red Sox rallied to take a lead in their game these two fans went nuts. But then, Gagne blew the game and they got abused with chants of "Gagne sucks" and "Gagne blew it."

The best part of the Yankee Stadium experience was the YMCA. Everyone stood up and started pointing at the Red Sox fan. Instead of "young man" they sang "gay man" and instead of "Y-M-C-A" it was "Y-R-U-Gay." Clever, especially by Yankee fans' standards.

The Yankees won a crisp game and I got to see the major league debut of a future superstar (Cameron Maybin) and I also got to see the pitching version of Kevin Maas (Joba Chamberlain).

Getting home was a little more difficult than getting there. It took a while to get out of the parking garage and then when we did we found our way blocked off and we had to go all the way around to get to the GW Bridge. Even so, it took only about an hour to get home.

It would have been a great night, except for all the Yankee fans.

Song of The Week

"Don'tChange" by Musiq Soulchild
The second "first" dance for Billy and Alison at their wedding.