Note: Pretty much everything the Obama Administration is doing annoys me. From Sanjay Gupta, to Kal Penn, to the Tonight Show to Michelle Obama on every magazine cover. And don’t even get me started on the European Apology Tour. I guess this is how liberals felt for the past 8 years.
First of all, they did not get the dog from a shelter. The whole time they indicated they would adopt a shelter dog, but instead they got him from Ted Kennedy. Second of all, they negotiated an exclusive with the Washington Post. Exclusive pictures, of a dog!
The girls named the dog Bo. Apparently this was the girls tribute to Michelle’s father. He went by the name Diddley, in honor Bo Diddley. But B-O are also the initials of Barack Obama.

Politics aside, the dog adoption issue really got under my skin. There are millions (literally) of shelter dogs euthanized every year and the Obamas blew a chance to save one, and more importantly, encourage others to do the same.
What pisses me off is that they never intended to get a shelter dog. This was in the works for at least 3 months, so Obama was out there on the Tonight Show talking about shelter dogs, while he purebred, breeder dog was already born.
And I understand Portuguese Water Dogs are hard to find in shelters but don't lie about it. It's typical of this new administration so far to tell people what they want to here because to them the most important thing is to be liked.
And, when the picture of the dog was leaked to a website called (Charlie was the breeder's name for Bo), the White House said it was a fake. Of course it wasn't the White House lied.
All this over a dog.
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