The type of guido and guidette who frequented places like Headliners and DJais could not be explained, until now.
A new MTV show premiering December 3 at 10pm (special 2 hour season premiere) will attempt to chronicle the lifestyle of this strange subspecies of our culture.
Watch the trailer, trust me:
"I'm the Kim Kardashian of Staten Island."
The fact that at least one of these people is from Staten Island turns this into an even scarier version of "This Is Your Life."

Oh yeah, some people say the show is racist.
I'm all over this show like gold on a guido chain.
truly frightening.
I'm not too offended by guido, but I imagine if there was a show calls Micks or Slant Eyes, it would generate a lot more criticism. They should just call this show Douchebags.
I can't wait for this show. And as an Italian, the guido thing doesn't offend me at all. The hair gel, fake tanning and fist pumping are all things they choose to do.
Bill, I don't think there would be too much criticism for a show called Micks. Slant Eyes...yes that would be a problem.
Drunken Micks may get some backlash, though it would probably be a fitting title
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