Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Mike and the Mad Coach

Listened to Coach Bobby Knight's interview with Mike Francesa yesterday.
He said a couple things of interest:
1) He said his Texas Tech team has a chance to be good, but it won't happen this week. Hopefully that bodes well for SU on Thursday night. TTU has 7 freshman, and Knight hates to play freshman.
2) He is a big Cardinals fan and says of all the star athletes he ever met, Albert Pooh Holes is the best person.
3) If he were starting a team of basketball players in their primes, Bill Russell would be his first pick. He said Michael Jordan is the best player ever. But he wouldn't take any player more recent than Jordan.
4) Interesting comment regarding the infamous cutting of Charles Barkley from the 1984 Olympic team. Francesa related this after the interview, so it didn't come directly from Knight. But the story goes that Barkley was by far the best player at the Olympic trials. Knight told him to get down to a certain weight. Barkley came in 15 pounds above that, so Knight cut him. Which adds to my complaint that as much as Barkley says he wanted to win an NBA title he never wanted it badly enough to get his fat ass in shape for the season.

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