Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My Take on "Lost"

I really enjoy "Lost." I love the character development, but in the past I have expressed displeasure about some of the odder twists the plot has taken. Every time I express this point of view someone shouts me down with the old "suspension of disbelief" argument.


My contention is that while most things that happen on the island are impossible, they CAN happen in the alternate reality of the island, or they are at least cool and entertaining and further the storyline. One storyline I absolutely despised was when Boone and Shannon slept together. I thought that was stupid. This week I thought it was stupid that Kate sees horses, and stupider that Sawyer can see them too, seemingly because the horse was actually there.
Now here's how you test it out. When she saw the horse for the first time were you dying to know what was behind it? No, you were completely uninterested, maybe you said to yourself "hmm, that was weird."
But when Eko started telling the parable of the book, ending with him revealing that he found an extra film clip, you were dying to know what the clip showed. I almost fast forwarded to the scene when Eko and Locke watched the extra clip.
That's the difference between a cool twist, and a stupid one.
I am looking forward to tonight's episode because I hope we find out where Walt is. I think they took him to summer camp where he is allowed to use computers, roam the island and go boating and participate in tug of war just as long as his bunk is clean and his bed is made.

This was the saddest scene they ever did, Walt leaves on the raft and Vincent tries to swim out after him.  Perfect example of the bond between a boy and his dog


  1. I love Lost, and therefore it must end!

    I have concluded that the ONLY way we will ever get answers to the 15.2 million mysteries on that show, is if it gets cancelled. So that's my stance. I love it, it must be cancelled.

    Otherwise, I will have to wait through year after year of frustration. I think that if the show kept up like this for too long though, people would eventually start going crazy, and mob the ABC offices, holding employees hostage for plot lines, and answers.

    I'm only a few episodes away from that point.

  2. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Show is terrible


  3. Invasion is nearly as good as Lost... It also appears as if they sprinkle in enough answers to mysteries to make Lost fans envious.
