Monday, January 02, 2006

The Greatness of Lemar Marshall

On the Friday, December 23rd, I had the day off from work and was getting ready for the Giants-Redskins game. I was walking the dog and listening to the radio. They teased that they were going to be joined by Lemar Marshall. Though Diesel and I had already done our customary 2 loops around the park, I decided to keep walking so I could hear Marshall. By the time the interview was over, we had done two more loops, Diesel was exhausted, I was excited and slowly falling in love with Lemar Marshall.
He talked about Eli Manning, "he's had some trouble in away games so we want to put pressure on him. The only way I know to do that is by blitzing, and I know that's the only way Greg Williams knows."
He also spoke eloquently on Williams possibly leaving after the season, saying he hopes he stays but knows if he goes its because he got a better opportunity.
The next day, with 4:10 remaining in the third quarter, Marshall picked off a pass intended for Jeremy Shockey, then ran it back to the 20 after Shockey quit on the play.
Two plays later Clinton Portis went around end for a touchdown to give the Redskins a 21-10 lead.
Yesterday, the Redskins were trailing 20-17, when Marshall took over.
He tipped the ball up in the air, caught it and returned it to the 22.
On the next play, Portis did the rest to give the Redskins a lead and a playoff berth.
Portis said this play was designed for a two yard loss, but he ran into the line, spun, dashed outside and sprinted to the house

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