Monday, January 09, 2006

Oprah Got Scammed

Oprah recommended to her audience a book called "A Million Little Pieces." The book is a memoir of James Frye and his escapades with drugs and crime. It has sold almost 2 million copies in America including one to my mom, who gave it to Kate for Hannukah. The gripping parts of the book are Frye's first hand experiences which are supposedly made more harrowing by the knowledge that he actually survived them.
Now The Smoking Gun, in an incredibly long expose, says Frye exaggerated most of what he billed to be absolutely true and accurate.
Here are few of TSG's alleged inaccuracies, which will probably mean more to if you've read the book:
-A crack-fueled Frey runs down a cop in a small Ohio town and a wild melee ensues. The Granville Police Department report on the 1992 incident tells a markedly different story.
-Frey claimed he was the chief target in an FBI probe into drug activity at Denison University. A police report shows Frey to be a bit player in a minor case that an investigator called small potatoes. Frey, he said, "thinks he's a bit of a desperado. He's making a bunch of crap up."
-Frey invented a role for himself in a 1986 Michigan train accident that took the lives of two female high school students. His name is nowhere to be found in the St. Joseph Township Police reports on the tragedy.

Next thing you know we'll find out that Jennifer Weiner's marriage is a sham and that her husband is gay

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I actually read this book. It's very good. I was shocked to hear that some parts were possibly false.
