Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Portis' Mom Don't Take No Shit

Some asshole aka typical Eagles fan poured or tossed a beer towards Clinton Portis' mother and other family members. Portis' mom (Rhonnel Hearn) punched the alleged beer tosser (female) in the face. Ron Artest was proud. The Portis group was escorted to the field and watched the rest of the game from the sidelines.

"She busted some lady in the nose, but that'll just teach you about messing with her," Portis said.

Mama said knock you out


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    If I get beer spilled on me and punch someone, not only will I get my ass kicked, but I'll get thrown out of the stadium. She gets to go on the field.

  2. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Leave Ma Portis alone... If she was good enough to go to the prom with, than she is surely good enough to go on the field...
