Monday, February 27, 2006


Fernando Vargas got a nice hematoma (and a loss) in his fight against Shane Moseley. This reminds me of the hematoma by which all other hematomas are measured, Hasim Rahman's that he got from a head butt during a fight with Evander Holyfield. After watching that fight we went out and saw a girl with huge tits. I told Shoeb that she had been flatchested until Holyfield head butted her. From that point forward large breasts became Rahmans. Vargases will also be acceptable.

It looks like a tumor

It's not a tumor


  1. Nasty, Rahman still takes the cake though.

  2. Anonymous5:10 PM

    That's the grossest thing I've ever seen.

  3. Rahman's was ridiculous. It just kept growing and growing. Vargas got at least got hit for 10 rounds before it turned into that mess. Catch the replay this Sat. night only on HBO!

  4. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Pop, pop, pop that THANG!

  5. Wow. That's like a whole other head that he had to protect and keep from getting hit. Hell, that thing could probably have given the post-fight interview for him...
