Friday, February 17, 2006

Is Johnny Weir Gay?

This seems to have become a topic of controversy. The Chicago Tribune ran a poll asking people whether they'd care if he were gay. No won overwhelmingly.

Former skater Rudy Galindo (the guy who minced around to YMCA tunes thoroughly confusing Pizza Parlor Derek's mother) said: "He's drinking tea with his pinkie finger in the air, and he's so over the top and feminine, why is everybody asking him about his 'style' and not just ask him if he's gay? It's the funniest thing to watch."

The guys at said: "If he's not gay, neither are we."

Johnny Weir said: "I think it's funny that people care. I don't have a problem with people saying anything. People could be saying, ‘Oh, let's poll about Bode Miller. Let's poll about Michelle Kwan being a lesbian. It's not a big deal. Who I sleep with doesn't affect what I'm doing on the ice or what I'm doing in a press conference.”

That question was addressed to him in the press conference after he finished fifth in the figure skating competition. We learned from Mike Piazza, that if you are not gay, but people think you are, you should call a press conference. Johnny's non-denial proves to us what we already knew, but didn't really care that much about. In fact, I'd be kind of disappointed if he were straight. The gay thing adds to the bitchiness, cattiness and humor of the things he's said and done over the past few months.

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