Friday, March 31, 2006

The Secret to Their Success

In a story you could only see on CNN's American Morning it was revealed that George Mason's basketball team eats at Outback Steakhouse before every game. They will be dining on Bloomin Onions and hopefully the baked potato soup tonight in Indianapolis. Coach Jim Larranaga is very superstitious, but some of the players are tired of the same meal.
Tony Skinn said he "was starting to be a little superstitious like Coach L. He hasn't changed anything. I hate Outback. I really, really hate it. But I'm going to keep going so hopefully we can be in the national championship game."
Added Jai Lewis after sighing with displeasure: "I don't think I'm going to order anything. I'm going to wait until we get back to the hotel."
As an aside the Outback spokesperson I called regarding this story had no idea, but she was thrilled. She called me back later and told me that other people within the company were aware that GMU has being doing this for sometime. She offered to send free food to the station but I declined because who wants to eat a steak on air at 8am.

It's the Bloomin Best

1 comment:

  1. Me. I want to eat steak on the air at 8 am. But that's just me...
