Sunday, March 05, 2006

This will ruin Pauls vacation

Paul's favorite childhood baseball player, role model, celebrity eight-ball tournament organizer, glaucoma sufferer, and supposed womanizer Kirby Puckett has just run into a serious health problem, suffering a stroke:

From the article:
Former Minnesota Twins center fielder Kirby Puckett had a stroke at his Arizona home Sunday and was taken to a hospital for surgery. Another former Twins great, Tony Oliva, a special instructor during spring training, said he has been worried about Puckett's weight. "The last few times I saw him, he kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger"

(Special thanks to Master Bates for the tip)


  1. People always used to say that he was just built but now I am starting to think that he was fat and when he retired he just kept eating. I am not sure if that was the cause of his stroke but I am sure it didn't help. It is very sad.

  2. Lots of ex-pro guys get huge. They go from working out non-stop, to chillin non-stop...but keep on eating like a beast. For example, Charles barkley is probably 400 lbs right now.

  3. I love the photoshop work but it looks like Paul's arm is bending in a way that might be painful.

  4. Yeah, I didn't go all out for the arm. Its from a totally different photo, and was at a totally different angle. I figured a distorted gimp arm is better than no arm at all.

  5. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Puckett is dead. I just saw online.
