Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Best Reason to Get an iPod

I hate Mike and the Mad Dog. They are awful. For two days they have been carrying on about this "Enter Sandman" thing. So Billy Wagner is now going to use the same entrance music as Mariano Rivera. Big fuckin deal. Rivera doesn't even listen to Metallica. He prefers Christian music. So the Mets are "copying" off the Yankees, still not clear whether Rivera or Wagner used the song first. Big deal. What's the consequences. Mad Dog has said two things "you can't use the same song" and "it's lame." So it's lame. I can sort of see that, but to make such a big deal is ridiculous. I'm glad Wagner is in effect saying "I don't give a shit about the Yankees, it's my song and I'm keeping it."
So instead of listening to those assholes, I listened to Stephen A. Smith on 1050. He was defending Barry Bonds of course. Black people are not allowed to criticize other blacks, even though they are cheaters. According to Stephen A., at least part of the reason the media is going after Bonds is because they don't want him to pass the milestone (it's not a record anymore) of the great white ballplayer Babe Ruth. He went on to say that we should investigate the personal lives of everyone in the media. And that if we investigated his personal life we'd find an arrest for driving with a suspended license for an unpaid ticket, and we'd learn that he was "promiscuous in his younger days."
I think it's finally time I go to the library and take out a couple audio books.

1 comment:

  1. I am a Yankee fan and I could care less what music player's play. It is absurd that it got any media attention.
