Thursday, April 06, 2006

Idol Chatter

I am in shock!
Mandisa voted off. Kate cried. When she woke me up to tell me I was in shock. I woke up a couple minutes early this morning, ran downstairs and fast forwarded to the announcement. There was a pall over the audience.
I don't know what to attribute it to. Because she's heavy? Because she's black? Because she was talking and singing about Jesus? I think it's one of those things that happens every once in a while on the show.
You need to give people a reason to vote for you. I'm sure lots of people love her, but because of two straight mediocre performances, they weren't inspired to vote, but they figured she'd never get voted off.
What group of people is voting for Mandisa? I think Chris may encounter this same problem. Not because I don't like rock music, but because the people who watch this show don't like rock music.
The world of American Idol has been set on its ear.
So long Mandisa.
One more prediction. In two years she gets a gastric bypass, signs with a label and has a number one album on the Christian/gospel charts.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I was more angry than Alison about this and I might not be able to watch this show any more. They need to change the voting rules or something. People should vote on who they want voted off the show. Bucky, Ace and 5 others are far worse. I think they'd have to change the voting for the last 3 maybe then back to who you think should win. I just think it's absurd and I feel embarrassed that I care this much about such gayness.
