Monday, April 10, 2006

No Match

DNA tests for all 46 Duke Lacrosse players came up negative.
"No DNA material from any young man was present on the body of this complaining woman," said defense attorney Wade Smith.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    As I forecasted. By the way, I would not be surprised if she was raped that night, perhaps by her pimp for not bringing home lots of money from the rich Duke kids. Maybe she was motivated by Hush money. Maybe she even tried to blackmail the kids. More and more people might sympthasize with that player's email and just a case of venting for getting ripped off. How many times, do people say they would like to kill someone for ripping them off. Is skinning someone worse, maybe? But there is no material difference. I would like to bring suit against whoever leaked this email to the press, some contingency lawyer in N.C. will clean up in a quick settlement.
