Monday, April 24, 2006

Padres 7 Mets 4

The theme of this game is that Mets are going to have a lot of trouble winning games that Victor Zambrano starts. The calls to take him out of the rotation are only going to grow louder.

Just want to point that Josh Barfield is the song of the great Jesse Barfield. He's Jesse's boy, I wish that I had Jesse's boy. He's watching me with those eyes. Never mind.

David Wright is losing his MVP status. In the fourth inning the Mets were down a run he got up with second and third and one out, and struck out. He did get an RBI later but it was on a ground ball that rolled about 50 feet.

Ambivalence is knowing you need RBIs to win your fantasy game, and having your outfielder hit a grand slam against your favorite team.

Endy Chavez may finally be starting to hit. When his single made the game 5-4, the Reyes walked, I really thought the Mets would come back. Then I remembered Kaz Matsui was up.

Feliciano and Bradford gave up runs which is ok. No relievers are perfect so I'd rather give up runs in games we're losing, and not games we have a lead.

Jorge Julio pitched well again, striking out the side in the 8th. Although he did walk two batters he has definitely improved. And his improvement is going to put pressure on Zambrano in two ways. One, Julio will no longer be the fans' whipping boy. And if Julio can be counted on, it decreases the urgency to have Heilman in the bullpen. And a couple more starts like that one and Heilman to the rotation will become a necessary evil.

SportsNet New York also made Keith Hernandez apologize for his remarks about the female trainer.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I really love Mex. So funny...
