Friday, April 07, 2006

What Should I Do?

I've previously been unsuccessful in attempts to use this blog to solicit advice but I'll give you guys another try. I have been given permission by Kate (in light of an exorbitant expenditure of hers) to get the MLB baseball extra innings package for $159. Should I get it?

My fears are that because I watch the Met games anyway, I'll only be able to watch the other games during commercials. I also won't benefit from the west coast games because I'm long asleep by then. If I get it will I only watch baseball, will I ever walk the dog, read a book, do the blog, eat, sleep or shave? There seem to be a lot of strikes against it but I am home during the day everyday with mostly nothing to watch. Are there enough afternoon baseball games to make it worthwhile? Are there enough Met/Yankee/ESPN games to sate my appetite?

I know Isaacs has it, does anyone else? Is it enjoyable to track your fantasy players? Earlier this week Bartolo Colon was pitching. He had four shutout innings so I turned the game on. He gave up 3 runs in the fifth and left with the bases loaded in the 6th. Who wants to see that?


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Go ahead and get it, why not? I guarantee the novelty wears off and you will do other things. But, it will be nice to catch those afternoon Cubs games when you have nothing going on. It's only $159 and you'll at the very least occaisionally be very happy to have it.

  2. I say save your money. You are going to want to watch the Mets play over any other team and since there are basically no days off, you won't watch as much as you think you will. ESPN also does a good job of putting games on that might interest you.
