Saturday, May 27, 2006

Mets 7 Marlins 4

A nice easy victory today which was nice. Mets got some timely hitting early and great pitching from Glavine.

Glavine has been so good this year it's hard to believe. And he has been striking out so many hitters (9 today). He is completely different that his first years with the Mets. He is no longer afraid to throw strikes and he is no longer afraid that his team won't score any runs for him. The only drama was did he have the stuff and the stamina for a perfect game. I was listening on the radio and the announcers say it after every batter. It's so annoying. Let the guy pitch, don't trample all over by continually pointing it out.

Great game for David Wright, batting cleanup.

Ramon Castro is close to supplanting Duaner Sanchez as my favorite Met. I love Castro and I think after this season he is a free agent and will make some team very happy as an everyday (4-5 day a week) catcher.

Early in the season the Mets bench was a worry, but Endy Chavez has come around, Jose Valentin shook off his early season troubles and Chris Woodward is very steady. But Julio Franco is a marvel. With those four guys and Castro I think the Mets bench is actually pretty strong.

I still would love to see Dontrelle Willis in a Mets uniform even though he's gotten off to a bad start this season. Honestly, he's pitched decently but got killed three times in a row which inflated his ERA. Perhaps on a better team he wouldn't have been left in those games so long. I also think he is trying too hard as evidenced by the error he made on a ball he never should have thrown. Lastings Milledge is still just a prospect, Willis is proven. Although I think the Marlins would want more than just Milledge for Willis.

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