Thursday, May 11, 2006

Willis McGahee's Baby Mama Drama

The Orlando Sentinel has a columnist who does a series of columns about riding around in a car with a celebrity/athlete. This time it was Willis McGahee.

Q: Was there anything that made you calm down?

A: My kids. I got two kids.

Q: How old are they?

A: One of them is 15 months and the other is five months. [that means a month after one woman had a baby, he knocked up a different girl.]

Q: So far, what's the most difficult thing about fatherhood?

A: Nothing right now. Not for me. Just dealing with the mother. That's the difficult part. After that, everything is cool.

Q: What's more troublesome, an ex-wife or a baby momma?

A: A baby momma.

Q: Why?

A: Because they feel like they should be a part of your life for 18 years. An ex-wife, you can get away from her. A baby momma, you can't get away from her until the child is 18 or older. They're going to constantly ask you for money. They just want to nag you for no reason, just because they can. (Willis has never been married.)

Q: Did you meet both of these women here in Miami?

A: (Laughs) Yeah.

Q: Is that why you say you need to get out of Miami?

A: I need to get out of Miami.

Cruising with Willis

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