Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Concierge Knows Fishing

Straight from the horse's mouth:

"It was 5:30 AM, The sea was angry that day like an old man trying to send soup back in a deli. As we chartered a course through the Sound on the little 140 horse power boat, we set up to catch some live bunker as bait. Spotting a school of bunker we netted three. Those oily suckers were slippery as hell. we decided to fish with these three we put the live fish on the hook and cast it out. Within a few seconds, the Captain got a bite so I set down my rod and grab a net to help pull a 36 inch stripped bass into the boat. After only a second of taunting this fish for being so foolish, my line start to pull. The captain and I hurried to rod, he picked it up handed it to me and I started reeling while audibly trash talking the fish. The stripped bass was about 18 pounds and 33 inches. In the afternoon, after fileting the fish on the Captain's wife's brand new patio table, I disected the stomach and found the whole bunker bait fish inside. Hours later I had enough fish to feed larry johnson's kids. I hope to catch another this monday."


  1. Thats pretty funny. Nice catch.

    Give The Concierge a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach The Concierge to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime

  2. That was very funny Justin.

    Great job Concierge.

    I am going fishing on the honeymoon. I hope I catch a 40 lb. sailfish or something.

    We'll see.
