Sunday, June 18, 2006

Wearing Socks with Sandals Pays Off

Saturday afternoon I went to Mike/Stacey's to watch the soccer game. Stacey's brother, Justin and his hot girlfriend Liz joined us. After the game, we walked to a local establishment for dinner. During our walk, Liz's strappy sandal broke. The strap completely separated from the shoe, making it unwearable. Justin offered his sandal, but eventually tired from walking barefoot. So I gave her my sandal. We walked along trying to find a drug store so she could buy a cheap replacement pair, to no avail. So Liz spent most of the evening with one of her sandals and one of mine. They say never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. Liz is now free to judge me.

broken shoe
Sir Walter Raleigh has nothing on me