Monday, July 24, 2006

Stephen A. Liar

Dusty Baker was supposed to be on "Quite Frankly" because the Cubs are in town to play the Mets.
A QF staffer sent an e-mail to Cubs message boards to drum up audience, and said disgruntled Cubs "can definitely feel free to BOO Dusty if you so please."
Dusty heard about this and canceled his appearance.
Stephen A. then lied about it, saying that websites changed the text of the e-mail.
Once he realized you can't fight angry bloggers, he said this "The production company did a thorough review and it was brought to my attention that I was mislead. The word 'boo' was used. I trusted the individual and apologize for giving bad information. At the end of the day, the situation has been dealt with."

Deadspin chronicles the mess in further detail for any interested parties.

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