Thursday, August 24, 2006

Another Jew Moves to New York

Shawn Green, who is Jewish, discussed the move [to the Mets] with his wife (he did have a no-trade clause), and the two decided that the move had value because of New York's large Jewish population. New York City is 11 percent Jewish and has the second-largest population of Jews outside of Tel Aviv with an estimated 972,000.
"It's definitely head and shoulders in the country and probably the world," Green said. "I'm looking forward to being a part of it. It will be an interesting and fun experience."
Carlos Delgado has kept his head shaven for years and seldom thought twice about it. But his smooth scalp created a problem when he was a member of Green's Jewish wedding party in 2003.
Delgado had to wear a yarmulke during the service, but the yarmulke wouldn't stay on his head.
The solution: two-sided tape.

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