Wednesday, August 16, 2006

How'd Tony Do?

I didn’t see the debut of my boy Tony Kornheiser on Monday Night Football but the reviews were mixed. The AP liked him, but Joe Theissman not so much.
Kornheiser pointedly talked about how the Vikings were "the most scandal-plagued team in the entire NFL last year."

"I won't go through the whole laundry list, but the sex-boat thing, that was a show-stopper. As they say on `Seinfeld' -- `That's gold, Jerry. That's gold.'"
Kornheiser differed with Theismann about how well wide receiver Randy Moss would do in the coming season. Of course, Theismann thought he'd do better than Kornheiser did.
In the second half, Kornheiser marveled that Brad Johnson, the 37-year-old Vikings QB, thinks he could start another three to four years.
"I'm going to be 80, and he's still going to be in the league," the 58-year-old Kornheiser cracked.

The critique in his own paper, The Washington Post, was much harsher.

Tony Kornheiser played it safe in his "Monday Night Football" announcing debut last night, making few missteps but offering little for the highlight reel. It wasn't exactly clear at times why he was there at all.
Kornheiser mostly spluttered, typically emphasizing the obvious and playing third fiddle to his more experienced mike mates, play-by-play man Mike Tirico and fellow color analyst Joe Theismann.
"You fumble a kickoff on a nationally televised game on the opening kickoff, you want to crawl into a hole!" he offered on the very first play.
"These are not good numbers tonight, are they?" he asked at one point as the passing statistics for Aaron Brooks, the Raiders quarterback, flashed on-screen. Given that Brooks was 0-for-4 passing at the time, the question was either needlessly rhetorical or hopelessly naive.
Kornheiser is the first to admit he's no matinee idol, but he looked oddly washed out under the TV lights (this may explain why ESPN had close-ups of Tirico and Theismann, as well as sideline reporters Michele Tafoya and Suzy Kolber, but not Kornheiser). Some unsolicited advice: Tony, get a tan.

The tan thing was a low blow, Tony is undergoing treatment for skin cancer,

Leading up to the game, Tony was downplaying himself and he continued the self-deprecation in his Post column.

In critiquing my performance, I think what makes me happiest was that I didn't throw up. (Though if I had, I would have aimed at that putz in Style.) And much to my surprise, I did not sweat through my clothes. In truth, I wasn't nearly as nervous as I thought I would be. The first time I heard my voice on the air, I was actually reassured, especially because the words didn't come out in Mandarin.

That Putz in Style is presumably a reference to Paul Farhi, the Post writer responsible for the harsh rebuke.

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