Friday, October 20, 2006


There are no words to express how badly I feel right now. I won't bother to dissect the game until the morning. That will do no good. I just can't believe it's over.


  1. I felt exactly the same way the night of Game 7, 2003. Greco IM'ed me "I'm going to Game 1 of the World Series, my buddy has an extra ticket" that night, and I nevermore wanted to punch him in the face. I hope Paul didn't feel the same when I reminded him he could still make it out to Columbus for The Ohio State football. The worst part about this series is, you know there's a World Series that will be hyped to the nines and your team won't be in it, when they were so close.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Paul didn't watch one pitch.

    I didn't in 2003.

  2. I will watch the World Series. I love baseball too much to ignore it. It couldn't possibly hurt more than it does right now.
