Sunday, October 29, 2006

No Smoking At Legal Sea Food

One of my favorite restaurants (the place we ate the night I proposed to the future Mrs. Poop) is now a completely smoke free environment. The menu included a codicil that the only smoke allowed was from Red Auerbach's cigar. Auerbach died of a heart attack at age 89. A story I heard, perhaps apocryphal, is that one time a diner asked him put out his cigar claiming Legal was a non-smoking restuarant. He replied "read the menu."
His career with the Celtics really was quite remarkable and even more so he made Bill Russell the first black head coach in any sport. For some reason he had some bad feeling towards Phil Jackson later in life but he will always be remembered as a brilliant basketball man and the architect of the Celtics' dynasty in the 50s and 60s.

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