Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Governor Beer Pong

In a referendum on the popularity of the Steelers vs. the Eagles in the state of Pennsylvania, Eagles fan Ed Rendell beat former Steeler Lynn Swann. But at least this gives Swann a chance to devote more time to playing beer pong. I originally thought this picture was a fake until I saw the video on "Inside the NFL." Swann went up to some tailgaters at the Steelers-Eagles preseason game and decided to take one throw. He hit a cup on his first ever throw. He could definitely beat Alison head-to-head.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:53 PM

    This is the piece I send video of Ed Rendell to HBO for. They didn't use it, but I got free HBO shit.
    And you should know better Paul, how do we know it was his first shot? TV magic brother.
