Monday, November 06, 2006

The Importance of Sign Police

Just saw Real Sports' piece on ESPN's College Gameday. For the unfamiliar Gameday is a traveling road show which sets up shop from a different campus each week, preferably when that school is hosting a big college football game. Students wake up really early, get drunk, hold signs and hope to get on TV. Gameday co-anchor Lee Corso says the show has sign police to prevent inappropriate signs from being shown on air. Like this one:

For those of you who don't know (and that includes me until a few days ago) a merkin is a "pubic wig for women." Wikipedia goes on to say that "a merkin is a pubic wig, worn by prostitutes after shaving their genitalia to eliminate lice or to disguise the marks of syphilis. There are many different ways of wearing a "Merkin" although most involve placing the merkin on the vulva or the scrotum."

Now you know.

This one also slipped past the sign police:

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