Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Linoleum: An Animal's Worst Enemy

A deer got loose in a Target store in Iowa. Check out how he uses the automatic door, then comes face to face with that evil villain, linoleum as he tries to escape.


  1. Anonymous11:53 PM

    And that, my friends, is why all doors should be manual and have handles. Gotta keep those pesky animals out of our stores!

    Isn't YouTube wonderful?! All sorts of interesting videos to share. I tend to stay away from the "animals loose in retail store" videos and watch "The Office" videos -- check out my blog for a funny one!

    -Lauren, TallSkott's Sister

  2. I KNEW IT! I've been slightly surprised at your recent posting activitiy...and then BAM, here comes the plug for your own blog!

    Actually, I just went there, and you had a post about Battlestar I can't be mad.
