Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The NFL is Poop - Week 12

Fuckin Michael Vick
A few weeks ago I capitulated and entertained the possibility that Michael Vick had turned the corner and learned how to become a good NFL quarterback. I was right the first time. He will never be a consistent passer and his team will never be a consistent winner. When he tucks and runs like he did against the Saints he's impossible to contain (166 yards rushing) but they still lost the game. Falcons play the Redskins this week so he'll probably pass for four touchdowns.

Da Raiderz
Somehow the Oakland Raiders have managed to cover the spread in 6 of their last 7 games. The 7th was that embarrassment on Monday Night Football against the Seahawks. They actually are a decent team with a pretty good defense. They fired their offensive coordinator this week and could post their third win of the season against Houston.

Fuck You, NFL & Cablevision, Fuck You Both
I don't get the NFL Network. I do not get to watch the Broncos and the Chiefs or the Ravens and the Bengals. Fuck you both!

Game of the Week
Tennessee Titans 24 New York Giants 21
Not to rub it in to all the Giants fans who read this blog, the Master (a season ticket holder) is chief among them, but this was a colossal collapse. Eli Manning was terrible, especially on that last INT. Plaxico Burress gave up on that first interception. And no one on defense could tackle Vince Young. That includes Mathias Kiwanuka who has taken most of the blame. He was clearly worried that had Young thrown the ball, he'd have been flagged 15 yards if he slammed Young to the turf. Understandable considering the ridiculous personal foul penalties that we've seen this season.

Game to Watch
Dallas Cowboys at New York Giants
One of the hottest teams in the league against one of th ecoldest. If the Cowboys win, they pretty much lock up the NFC East and emerge as the NFC team most likely to beat the Bears. And the Giants season would be over. But if the Giants win they regain their footing and actually take over first place in the division (via tiebreaker) with four games left to play.

Cheerleader of the Week
In honor of the Cowboys domination on Thanksgiving Day this week we will pay homage to the originators, the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders. Before I get to the individual honoree let me just compliment the entire organization. They have the best cheerleader website of any team, and at this point I've seen all of them. The squad picture allows you to mouse over, see a girls name, click on her and see her popup profile. As a group, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are also the best looking squad I've seen.

But I could only pick one, so I passed over Starr Spangler (her parents are assholes) and chose Becca. Becca has eyes that light up a room, and boobs that fill up the room.
She's only 21 but this is her third year on the squad. She has a dog named Milton, bonus points because he is a lab, even though he's chocolate, and her hobby is spending time with him. She loves the OC and fondue from the Melting Pot (Mrs. Poop's favorite restaurant!). At her dream dinner party she would invite Jesus, Brad Pitt and Steven Tyler.

Her favorite Bourjois product is 3D lip gloss. Number 20 is her favorite Bourjois product because of its long wear and shimmering effect.

The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are sponsored by several products, their beauty secrets include tanning at PlanetTan.

Honorable Mention
To appease Pizza Parlor Derek's dogged requests, here's a link to some pictures of Crystal, who is no longer with the squad, but still very hot.

A Brief Rant About the Redskins
The first win in the Jason Campbell era. Very pleased that both his touchdown drives came when the game was in the balance and the pressure was on. The second was a 66-yarder to Cooley, but it answered a long Panthers drive. The defense had just enough to hold on. This year we can only hope for progress. And I hope Campbell will be the best QB on the field this week against Atlanta.

If The Super Bowl Were Played Today
San Diego Chargers 31 Indianapolis Colts 27
It's my blog and I can do what I want to. The Bears are going to have a hard time avoiding a Grossman blowup in the playoffs and the rest of the NFC stinks, for now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I can't beleive we lost that game. I can't beleive we lost that game. I can't beleive we lost that game. As they were collapsing, I kept expecting to see Trey Junkin on the sidelines. Did I mention that I can't beleive we lost that game?
