Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Procreation Vacations

Hotels around the world are luring couples who are trying to have a baby. Resorts are offering on-site sex doctors, romantic advice and exotic food and drink calculated to put lovers in the mood and hasten the pitter-patter of little feet.
Even some obstetricians are promoting the trend. Dr. Jason James of Miami said he often encouraged couples trying to have a baby to sneak away for a few days, and he often sees it work.
"One of the most easy, therapeutic interventions is to recommend a vacation," James said. "I think the effect of stress on our physiology is underestimated."
At the Westin at Our Lucaya Grand Bahama Island, the three-night Procreation Vacation starts at $1,893. Couples lounge on the beach, swim in the pool, sip pumpkin soup and enjoy couple's massages.
Couples are also served an age-old Caribbean fertility concoction three times a day: sea moss, the Caribbean's version of Viagra, mixed with evaporated milk, sugar and spices. It tastes like an almond smoothie.
The Birds and the Bees package at the Five Gables Inn & Spa on Maryland's Chesapeake Bay includes a two-night stay with a couple's massage, oysters (a purported aphrodisiac) and wine, a pair of heart-print boxer shorts and a CD by love crooner Barry White for about $810 a couple.

a key part of the conception process

There is a Procreation Ski Vacation in Jackson Hole, Wyo., where couples can snuggle by a toasty fire, enjoy a candlelight dinner in their room and take a dogsled trip to a hot springs site at the Teton Mountain Lodge.
At the Miraval resort in Tucson, sex experts Dr. Lana Holstein and her husband, Dr. David Taylor, help couples with ovulation schedules and achieving intimacy.
"The damage that working for conception does to the sexual relationship, it's really, really impactful. This business about being so tense about conceiving a child and feeling like the clock is ticking makes people much more scheduled," said Holstein, author of "Your Long, Erotic Weekend." "They lose sight of the sensual."

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