Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas 2006

We recently enjoyed a very nice Christmas weekend in Connecticut. Diesel was well behaved (other than inadvertently dragging his tail in the cocktail sauce) and did not knock over the tree.

Diesel by the tree

We had fun baking cookies (Mrs. Poop baked, Diesal and I ate). We used special dog cookie cutters for some of them (notice the bones and fire hydrants).

look at the cookie in the upper right

Diesel got some treats in his stocking. I got some candy.

Diesel's stocking was hung by the chimney with care
Dad, I'm going to bite your fingers if you don't give me the treat

Dennis got a picture frame for his office with three pictures (The Poops on a mountain, Diesel trying to lick my ear and Diesel ocean). I got a portable DVD player which I am supposed to share with Mrs. Poop. I had to drive hom from Connecticut so she could watch "You, Me and Dupree."

Dennis gets a picture frame

Diesel poses nicely for a family photograph.

Merry Christmas

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