Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bowl Announcing

I didn't watch too many of the college bowl games this year (and those that I did I only dropped in on) but I heard enough bad announcing to last a lifetime.
I didn't hear what Pizza Parlor Derek reported that Dick Vermeil suggested kicking off at the start of overtime even though there are no kickoffs at all in college OT.
I didn't see when Desmond Howard previewed Cal-Texas even though Cal was playing Texas ATM.
But I did hear gay-voiced Charles Davis.
I heard the Cotton Bowl radio announcer do a Jim Ross version of the disclaimer. "Any rebroadcast without the express written consent of the NCAA. Don't you do it! It's strictly prohibited."
But the topper was during the Cotton Bowl on TV. I was listening to the TV broadcast on my walkman while walking the dog. The sideline reporter interviewed Mr. Irons the father of David and Kenny. Then she asked him "with one son on offense and one on defense, when do you go to the bathroom?"
He replied during halftime and before and after the game.
Then Pat Summerall made a remark to the effect of "what a dedicated family, they don't even go to the bathroom."
Reminds me of the sideline reporter who interviewed the fictional Canadian Hide and Seek Team.
Sorry, Erin Andrews, but sideline reporters are just eye candy, they don't add anything to the broadcast.

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