Thursday, January 18, 2007


A woman who competed in a radio station's contest to see how much water she could drink without going to the bathroom died of water intoxication
Jennifer Strange, 28, was found dead hours after taking part in the "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" contest in which KDND 107.9 promised a Nintendo Wii video game system for the winner.
Investigation showed she died from water intoxication.
Initially, contestants were handed 8-ounce bottles of water to drink every 15 minutes.
As the contest wore on they were given larger bottles.
One listener called in to tell the DJs that someone could die.
"Yeah, we're aware of that," one of them said.
Another DJ laughed: "Yeah, they signed releases, so we're not responsible. We're OK."
"Is anybody dying in there?" a DJ asked during the show. "We got a guy who's just about to die," the other responded, and all the DJs laughed.
"I like that we laugh about that," another said.
"Make sure he signs the release. ... Get the insurance on that, please."

All ten radio station employees involved in the contest were fired and the police are investigating.
Mrs. Strange was trying to win the Wii for her kids.

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