Tuesday, February 27, 2007

News Delivery

Over the past 5 days I've heard from almost every Poophead congratulating me on Baby Poop.
Some of you have expressed shock, surprise, outrage and even dismay that I used the blog to disseminate such news.
For us, this was a great way to share the news.
We enjoyed reading your congratulatory e-mail missives and receiving your phone calls. For us it's a much better process than making 20 phone calls and more fun than sending out one mass mail.
We're sorry if some of you felt left out or unimportant because you weren't called or notified directly.
But this is the way we chose to share our news because it was fun for us. I hope when you are fruitful and multiply that you choose to contact us in whichever medium you choose because we'd be very happy to receive your call, letter, e-mail or singing telegram.

One side note about the miscarriage. Maybe this is a thing a lot of people do feel should be private, and at first we felt the same way. As a matter of fact hardly anyone knew until February 22nd. But some people did know, and we had to talk about it a lot with doctors so it didn't feel like such a private matter. And we felt that keeping it secret gave it undue importance, made it a major issue, as opposed to what it is now, just a minor bad thing that happened once, that no longer matters.

Hopefully, should any of you in the future (god forbid) suffer that tragedy you will know that the Poops are here for you and have gone through the same thing. We took great comfort in friends of ours who had a miscarriage, followed by a healthy pregnancy and were able to support us.

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