Friday, March 23, 2007

Already an Asshole Athlete

As if his antics at the State Championship game weren't enough the NY Times gives us more reason to hate O.J. Mayo.

Unbeknownst to USC coach Tim Floyd, Mayo sent an emmissary to see Floyd last year, unannounced. This stranger walked into Floyd's office and said:

“How would you like to have the best player in the country?” he asked.

“Have you heard of O. J. Mayo?” the man asked.

“O. J. wanted me to come here today,” the man told Floyd. “He wanted me to figure out who you are.”

The man explained that Mayo wanted to market himself before going to the N.B.A., and that Los Angeles would give him the best possible platform.

“O. J. doesn’t give out his cell,” he said when Floyd said he wanted to call Mayo. “He’ll call you.”

Then Mayo did call later that day, he said:

“Coach, this is O. J. Mayo. I’d like to come to your school.”

“I want to be different. I want to leave a mark.”

“How many scholarships do we have for next year?” he asked.

“Don’t worry about recruiting,” he said. “I’ll take care of it.”

“No,” Mayo said when Floyd asked for his phone number. “I’ll call you.”

Remember, at this point Mayo had never been to USC or spoken to Tim Floyd, but he was the #1 recruit so Floyd felt like he had to play along.

I have no idea how this is going to turn out, but I suspect, badly.
I just can't imagine that Mayo will accept any coaching or that he will go to class at all. He has people in his ear telling him what to do but if he doesn't play well next year he won't be the number one pick.
I also think Floyd sold his soul to the devil here and may end up paying for it. Texas had Kevin Durant who was a good kid and a good teammate and they lost in the second round. If Mayo is as goes, that would be tremendous, but if he's not a team player and doesn't play within the system did Floyd really accomplish anything?

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