Monday, March 19, 2007

Final Word on Xavier

Heard Xavier Coach Sean Miller on with Mike and the Mad Dog. They didn't ask him about his Pitt days, I would have loved to hear his take on the "Send It In Jerome" dunk.

They didn't bring up the prevent offense but Miller did. He said they weren't trying to kill clock, they were trying to rest themselves, and he wishes they had gotten better shots/possessions.

He said he's glad they didn't call a flagrant on Oden. Didn't want to see a game decided by a whistle. They wanted to win it. Classy thing to say.

Foul is not on youtube, because the NCAA only wants approved videos.

Miller said he didn't foul at the end because they didn't have a timeout left to set their defense. He also intimated that he didn't want to say "if Cage misses" and put the negative thoughts in the player's head. He said if they had one timeout left he would have set his defense and ordered a foul. But he was also worried that say it works, they make 2 free throws and with 5 seconds left you have to inbound the ball with no timeouts, you could turn it over and lose right there.

Some tough points. I still they should have fouled because with less than 10 seconds the other team probably can't afford to make 2 and foul again, they have to try to miss and get the rebound, which is possible, but a lot less likely than hitting a three to tie it.

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