Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Future Asshole Athlete

O.J. Mayo is next year's super freshman in college basketball. He definitely only intends to stay for one year and he is going to USC. He chose USC basically out of the blue because he wanted to be in LA and presumably thought he could play right away for them.

In his last high school game, the West Virginia State Championship, with his team up by 40 he gets a breakaway, throws the ball off the backboard, slams it home, then fires it into the crowd.

For those antics he earned a technical foul, an ejection and a standing O from the adoring crowd.

Unlike Oden and Durant Mayo does not seem like a good kid. He seems like someone who has been allowed to do whatever he's wanted his whole life. I predict trouble for Mayo.

1 comment:

  1. He figures he can do just about anything and still not be the most infamous O.J. in USC history
