Monday, March 26, 2007

Mascot Dies

A 21-year-old University of North Carolina student who served as a mascot for the school's basketball team died Monday, three days after he was hit by an SUV while walking along a highway.
Jason Ray, who dressed up as UNC's ram mascot, Rameses, had been in critical condition since the accident on Route 4 Friday afternoon. He had been in New Jersey for the NCAA tournament at Continental Airlines Arena.
According to police, Ray left his hotel to go to a nearby convenience store Friday afternoon, and was walking back along Route 4 when he was struck from behind by an SUV. The driver stopped immediately to call 911. No charges have been filed.
Police said Gagik Hovsepyan, 51, the driver who hit Ray, had a valid driver's license and did not appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. His son was asleep in the SUV at the time, police said.

They were staying at the Hilton in Fort Lee which is right by the GW bridge which I pass everyday on my way to work. There is a convenience store, and a cheap beer place right near there, but there is a small stretch where there is no sidewalk and no shoulder. I can only imagine that is where the accident occurred.

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