Sunday, April 22, 2007


Mrs. Poop and I spent Sunday with our nieces, Cayla and Jenna (and their parents) in Central Park for a concert. A free concert by Laurie Berkner. If you've never heard of her, you will. Someday. I must admit I was very wrong. I expected 2,000 - 3,000 people. There were that many people named "Madison."

thousands of kids and their obnoxious parents

Cayla got to the park at around 10am because she wanted to get a good spot, and then the rest of us snuck in right before the concert started. Laurie came on at about 1, and her first song was an Izzie favorite, "Victor Vito." Victor Vito is the story of two polar bears on a trip around the United States discovering the local food like rice and beans (in New Mexico), tobasco (in New Orleans) and spaghetti (in New York). But they also discover themselves.

Note: links on song titles will direct you to the music video from noggin. It will launch a windows media player but you will have to sit through a ten second open before the song starts.

this is laurie...she has a weird power over kids

The second song was the club banger, "Bumblebee (Buzz Buzz)." This song is sort of like "Ruff Ryderz Anthem" for kids. But instead of 6 idiots jumping around in 920 Ackerman, there were 6000 toddlers jumping around in Central Park. And instead of "Stop! Drop! Shut em down open up shop," there is "buzz buzz buzz-buzz-buzz, buzz buzz buzz-buzz!"

They also played a Cayla favorite "Catch You," which she sang while running away from Aunt Step On Me. Mrs. Poop likes this song because on Thursday you are supposed to have yourself a nurse day.

We also heard the educational "We are the Dinosaurs" which teaches kids about prehistoric creatues and the possible ramifications of global warming, as well as how to march, for those children who aspire to military careers. Whaddya think of that?

Then came my least favorite song, "Let's Go Swimming." Before this song, if you said to Cayla "Let's Go..." she would reply "Mets!." But this song ruined all of that. Now if you try it she says "SWIMMING!" Fish don't take showers. And noses and toeses don't rhyme. Well, they do rhyme but only because toeses isn't a word.

One of the last songs is appropriately title "Pig on Her Head." I think you can figure that one out.

Laurie has a pig on her head...and she keeps it there...ALL DAY!

ball playing was permitted during the concert
one cute little niece

me and the biggest Laurie Berkner fan in the whole park


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Izzie loves "Let's Go Swimming" too. Erin sings it all day. Now I can't
    get that damn Victor Vito song out of my head.

    Did you really wear a t-shirt that said "I drink out of the toilet" to a
    kid's concert in Central Park? Hilarious.

    The letters it is making me type to post this message is i-e-s-p-r-m.
    iesprm. You know PPD does.

  2. Luckily my two youngsters have outgrown past their Berkner phase, although I am sure it will find its way back into the roatation in 2008...

    We are The Dinosaurs will endure the test of time!

  3. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Those are some really cute kids!!
