Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Oldest Trick in the Book

Free advice: if you ever run for President, find out how much bread and milk cost. Every campaign cycle some candidate puts his foot in his mouth and shows how out of touch with the problems of real people he is.
This time Rudy Giuliani stepped in the trap.
He was asked the question in Montgomery, Alabama.
He said "A gallon of milk is probably about a $1.50, a loaf of bread about a $1.25, $1.30."
Oh no, sorry. (Please read that in the voice George Costanza used to tell the Bubble Boy that the answer was Moops.)

In Montgomery, a gallon of milk is $3.39 and bread is about $2. Those prices are even more expensive where he lives, in New York City.
He did get closer to the mark on gas prices, saying gas was $2.89 per gallon.

1 comment:

  1. it just goes to show you that politics and economics usually split up from each other early on in a rising star's career.
