Tuesday, April 17, 2007

There But For the Grace of God Go I

I've always made a point of not giving money to AIDS related charities. And I don't really worry too much about getting AIDS.
We don't know how to cure AIDS, but we know how not to get it. It's not quite a vaccine but it works the same way.
There is no vaccine for crazy mother fucker with a gun.
That's what is so horrifying when you hear about this Virginia Tech shooting, the deadliest shooting incident in U.S. history.
Previous record holder Columbine (at least as far as school shootings are concerned), really shook me when it happened.
I remember watching the memorial with Pizza Parlor Derek and trying not to cry.
And a few days later I had a dream that Jordan Rubin and Jonathan Marino did a school shooting at Wagner, killing The Concierge, Reissberg and the little blonde kid.
You have no protection against this.
Some crazy bastard got teased, or hated engineering, or lost a lot of money on the Virginia Tech-Southern Illinois game or got crabs from some dumb sorority bitch and decides to end it all take 33 people with him.
What can you do?
And you don't think that you went to school with people capable of this shit?
That's the really frightening part of this whole thing. You see Dr. Gupta on CNN talking about "Chasing Life" but sometimes life chases you. And when it catches you it shoots you in the back.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget about the observation tower shootings at the University of Texas in 1966... techincally more than Columbine (16 counting shooter)... but neither really compares to this. As I said to PPD last night, this could so easily have been us in Kimmel Food Court or Maxwell or Newhouse or wherever.

    I wonder if it will receive Columbine level attention over the next few months, or a Michael Moore movie?
