Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I Wonder If She Was Drunk At the Time

"Paula Abdul broke her nose after she fell while trying to avoid stepping on her Chihuahua.

Abdul was recovering from the mishap and will appear on "American Idol" Tuesday and its season finale Wednesday.

She tore cartilage on her nose and fractured her toe.

"I took a nasty fall ... trying not to hurt my dog. I bruised myself on my arm ... my chest, my waist all the way down to my hip. All from my little chubby Tulip," Abdul said.

The dog was not hurt."

I can't wait to see how Paula looks on the finale. I'm sure this isn't the first time her nose has been broken. But maybe the first time without anestesia.

My dog is 20 times the size of Tulip and he's constantly in my way, but I've never tripped over him and fallen and broke a bunch of bones. My guess is that Paula was heavily medicated at the time.

One of these three is tulip, I'm not sure which one


  1. One of Mrs. SCZA's friends is in LA for the finale and interviewed Paula live last night. She was definitely wasted, but if her nose was broken, she's a faster healer than Wolverine. The talk on the phone last night was that there were no visible signs. Having done it a few times myself, there has to be SOME swelling.

  2. Anonymous2:42 PM

    poor poor paula.... lol She cant have ryans cutness, or simons sassy mouth so she hits the bottle...prolly scared that lil pooch silly.

  3. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Big shit. If I tripped over my dog I definitely would have been drunk because my f'ing dog is a TANK. Who would want a mouse they call a dog?
