Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Idol Chatter

Phil Stacey could have played the gay cowboy in Young Guns? Was there a gay guy in Young Guns? If not they should have cast Phil. I didn't love his performance, I just don't like his style.

Jordin was horrible on "Living on a Prayer." She was singing like she was dead. This song is all about screaming and passion and energy and she sounded like a zombie. I think she was handicapped by the fact that she didn't live through the Living on a Prayer hysteria of the mid-80s. She is also isn't old enough to have been in a Jersey shore bar when this song is played. She's never seen 20 drunk girls stop using their beer bottles to simulate fellatio and start using them as a microphone to scream "whoa - oh, we're halfway there."

I did like LaKisha and I don't think I have ever heard that Bon Jovi song before. Obviously the kiss will be the most talked about thing from this episode but I think she saved herself with this because she was in real danger of going home. Why couldn't she sit down in that outfit?

I think Blake is trying to get himself kicked off because he knows if he wins he'll have to do the kind of album the pussy American Idol producers can sell to 13 year old girls. But Blake wants to do his own edgy new-age album instead. But I actually thought it was cool. He hasn't overdone it with the beat boxing this season and I think this was actually a good time to do it. But clearly Jon Bon Jovi did not want him fucking with his song. Mrs. Poop did not like his dark hair. I liked his large breasted fan they showed. Anyone notice her?

Chris Richardson sucks. He needs to go.

Melinda was really good but I'm so sick of her sheepishness.

As they dwindle the number of people left the shows get less exciting. Especially now that we don't have Sanjaya's stupid hair and Haley's slutty clothes.

Love the message from Mr. and Mrs. Bush. The President put the em-FAH-sis on the wrong sil-AH-bull when he said af-RICK-uh. I also liked the joke they made about his dancing.

I think Chris and Jordin will go home this week but that seems a little too obvious. So I think LaKisha is in danger. I think Phil is safe.


  1. Anonymous9:59 PM

    I'll line up to buy Blake's CD when it comes out.

  2. If you go to Target, I'll wait on line with you as long as I can eat popcorn.

  3. Anonymous11:00 PM

    you kids are making me nauseous...vote 4 the worst!

  4. I liked Blake's version of that song. He didn't go overboard with it and I think it worked. Just wish he could have figured out where to put his hands and stopped pointing up and grabbing his coat every three seconds. That and Bob Ice's acapella performance were two of the most original they ever had.

    Liked Phil Stacey, it was right up his alley.

    Jordin should have sang Bed of Roses. Probably the most underrated Bon Jovi song. Or Born to Be My Baby or I'll Be There For You. Such better songs for her. She would have done so well.

    I hate Melinda. I want her to suck so bad. She even made a Bon Jovi song sound like a musical number in Dreamgirls. That shit don't sell records. Lakeisha is the same way. Liked her performance this week but eventually they have to show some range. When Lakeisha actually ventured out and tried to tackle Carrie Underwood, she sucked.

    I felt bad for Chris that he had to follow Blake.

    Now I feel bad for my wife because I think I might be gay.

    Chris and Phil go home. Cause they are adding votes from last week and Jordin was really good last week.

  5. Very good theory about Blake trying to get kicked off...

    I think however he is setup to be the person who loses in the Final, but ends up being the better sell than the eventual winner (probably Melinda who I also despise, although I can't stand Jordin's fakeness and overrated vocals)
