Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Law Says It's OK, But Her Daddy Doesn't

The father of hot 18 year old pole vaulter Allison Stokke is pissed about all the attention his daughter is getting.

The Washington Post writes about Stokke:

"The wave of attention has steamrolled Stokke and her family in Newport Beach, Calif. She is recognized -- and stared at -- in coffee shops. She locks her doors and tries not to leave the house alone. Her father, Allan Stokke, comes home from his job as a lawyer and searches the Internet. He reads message boards and tries to pick out potential stalkers.

"We're keeping a watchful eye," Allan Stokke said. "We have to be smart and deal with it the best we can. It's not something that you can just make go away."

"Even if none of it is illegal, it just all feels really demeaning," Allison Stokke said. "I worked so hard for pole vaulting and all this other stuff, and it's almost like that doesn't matter. Nobody sees that. Nobody really sees me."

Trust me, we've seen you. And we hope to see more of you.

I can understand how the attention must be overwhelming but every 18 year old girl wants boys to like her, and now that they do, she can't accept it. Be happy yuo're pretty and stop complaining.

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