Then the show got away from all that. It became about monsters, invisible guys in chairs, supernatural bullshit and it basically went straight down the tubes.
I thought, and still think, that like the writers of 24, the writers of Lost ran out of good ideas so they were filling the shows with bad ones. I also hate that the show poses so many questions, and never answers them, basically antagonizing its viewers. But I get the sense that many of the unanswered questions about the island are unanswered because the writers haven't finished making it up yet.
But Lost rose out of the dungheap with this season finale. I am pissed about two things. First, that they never told us who died, and second, Jack referred to his father in the flash forwards. What's the point of having mysteries if they're going to lie to prevent people from figuring them out? At the beginning of the show, I thought we were being duped into thinking it was a flash forward, but we were actually being duped into thinking it wasn't.
I like the flash forward idea, especially since it was the first time we learned that they do get off the island. And if they ever tinker with that saying it was a dream, or some kind of alternate reality, I'll be furious. By the way, Lost geeks noticed that the name of the funeral parlor was an anagram for flash forward. The Lost geeks are in a furor over who was in the casket. They even took this screen capture of the obituary. Seems like the name is not someone we know right now, so it's either a new character, or a new name for an old character. But like I stated earlier, I don't think the writers know who it is yet either.

Of course you all know that my favorite character on the show is Vincent. A careful dog observer noticed that in the opening scene when they were walking along the beach, Vincent was pulling on Hurley as the waves were washing up to his feet. Even the most accomplished water dogs don't really like waves. Every time the waves came in Vincent tried to pull away from them. I was hoping that someday there would be a flashback episode of Vincent, and Lost dirt sheets said it would come this season, but it never did and probably never will.

I'm so sick of the Ben character. I hope he is off the show for good.
I also hate how inept the Losties are. They fucked up everything. Jin missed the shot. Charlie and Desmond never tied up Mikhail. They screw up everything.
They really made Evangeline Lilly look hot in the flash forward scene.
I'm glad Charlie died. But I really want them to release "You All Everybody" on iTunes.
I hated James Lesure's moustache. He played the doctor who didn't say anything when Jack referred to his dead father. He looked like a black Adam Morrison.
The best moment of the show, maybe in TV history was when Hurley killed the others with his Magical Mystery Van. And then when he shouted into the walkie talkie "I did it, I saved everybody."
Ben warned the Losties that the Others were the good guys. I hope next season doesn't consist of the "bad guys" showing up and torturing them even more. What could they possibly do that would make the Others seem like the good guys?
I hope that the writers of the show, with an end actually in sight (three more years), will figure out for sure where they want to go with the show and begin telling the story more concisely.
I hope that they will begin using the flash forward more liberally and telling us what happens after they leave the island. I would actually prefer the rest of the show to take place in the future in the real world, with flashbacks revealing the secrets of the island, with the last episode showing the rescue.
I fear that people will get so fed up that in the 5th season the ratings will be so poor that ABC will cancel it and since the rest of the season is shot, air those episodes, but never finish the story. And if that happens, they'd never shoot a whole season just to release on DVD.
I was sorta in the same boat as terms of being frustrated with this damn show fairly early into this season. Even before the finale though, my interested grew again. I don't mind the mystical stuff as much as you...although it drives me crazy not knowing what the hell is going on...ever.
I dunno...I think that if done properly, it has the potential to be so awesome over the next 3 years...mostly because there's so much crap that can be answered etc. , so many different directions to go in. But just the thought of having to wait 3 years to find out what the hell is going on is driving me crazy.
First half of the season I was on the brink of giving up on Lost. 2nd half reeled me back in again. I thought it was vastly improved and started giving more answers (though sometimes not complete answers) than new questions.
I read some of the forums. Talk about people needing a fucking life... jeezus.
You're going to anger BILD. He is an avid Lost watcher and even visits message boards after the show.
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